Dec. 31, 2017 – As we complete 2017 and look forward to a new year, ask God to help you find inspiration, cultivate ideas and them implement changes in 2018.
Dec. 24, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert concludes our Advent sermon series by encouraging the congregation on Christmas Eve to let the lights of peace, hope and love show in the coming year.
Dec. 17, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues our Advent sermon series with a look at how love came down to Bethlehem and provides the most powerful force on Earth.
Dec. 10, 2017 – On the second Sunday of Advent, Rev. Amy Seifert urges us not to be willing prisoners to selfishness, hate and unconcern.
Dec. 3, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert starts our Advent journey with a look at choosing between Bethlehem and bedlam. Put simply, finding Bethlehem requires us to put others before ourselves.
Nov. 26, 2017 – Cameron Miller, our worship leader and a pastoral candidate from Nebraska Wesleyan University, shares some thoughts on service and how we can make it part of our everyday lives.
Nov. 12, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert concludes our sermon series on stewardship with a look at our calling as Christians to be a witness for Christ in the world.
Nov. 5, 2017 – Pastor Amy continues our sermon series on stewardship. This week she explains the importance of Christians everywhere to be in service to their neighbors.
Oct. 29, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues her sermon series on stewardship with an encouragement to become more generous with financial giving to the church. In the sermon, we learn how to avoid “robbing God.”
Oct. 22, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues her sermon series on stewardship with a look at what it means to committing to being present in worship on a regular basis.
Oct. 15, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert begins a five-week stewardship series by challenging the congregation to pray.
Oct. 1, 2017 – On World Communion Sunday, Rev. Amy Seifert concludes our sermon series on vows with a message about receiving Jesus as Savior and professing that fact to others.
Sept. 24, 2017 – Pastor Amy continues the sermon series on vows with a look at what it means to remain faithful.
Sept. 17, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues her sermon series on vows with a look at how we can go further to confess, trust and serve God.
Sept. 10, 2017 – Pastor Amy begins a new sermon series that examines the vows we take at our baptism and when we seek membership in the United Methodist Church. In this opening sermon, she shares thoughts about renouncing, rejecting and repenting from sin.
Sept. 3, 2017 – Lay Servant Todd Seifert shares a message about planting seeds, nurturing belief, pulling the weeds of life and, finally, helping Jesus as one of the laborers in the harvest.
Aug. 27, 2017 – Pastor Amy concludes her sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed, based on the book “Creed” by the Rev. Adam Hamilton, with a look at what we believe when we say “resurrection of the body.”
Aug. 20, 2017 – What we say and do speaks volumes — not just about us, but about our witness as Christians in today’s world. In light of the hatred displayed in Charlottesville, Virginia, how should a Christian respond? The key is love.
Aug. 13, 2017 – Lay Speaker Deb Eberly provides a message about how God accomplishes great things through the wounded who call on their Creator to mend broken hearts.
Aug. 6, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues her sermon on the Apostle’s Creed by explaining the importance of the forgiveness of sin and how it restores our relationship with God.
July 30, 2017 – Pastor Amy continues her sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed by explaining our role in the “holy catholic church” and the “communion of saints.”
July 23, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert picks back up with the Apostle’s Creed sermon series by looking at our belief in the Holy Spirit.
July 16, 2017 – Pastor Joan Frenzel serves as a guest preacher and asks each person: What kind of soil do you want to be?
July 9, 2017 – The Apostle’s Creed sermon series continues with a look at Jesus being both divine and human.
July 2, 2017 – Pastor Amy starts a sermon series on the Apostle’s Creed with a look at what it means to believe in God.
June 25, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert talks about being focused on Christ helps turn away from sin. The Red Baron’s demise serves as an example of “perseveration.” In short, turn away from sin and focus on Jesus.
June 18, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert uses part of Paul’s letter to the Romans to remind us that we are all not only to forgive but also to forget, just as Christ pardons us from our sins.
June 11, 2017 – Pastor Amy uses the illustration of a traffic roundabout and cooperation to illustrate how we can live in peace instead of in competition.
June 4, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert leads the congregation in a celebration of Pentecost with stories of copyrights and patents, tied together with an explanation of how the birth of the church expanded God’s messages to the masses. May 21, 2017 – On United Methodist Women and graduation Sunday, the Rev. Ashlee Alley serves as our guest speaker and challenges the congregation to claim its heritage as followers of Christ while building a legacy for the future.
May 14, 2017 – Pastor Amy shares a message about the importance of following the greatest of all time — Jesus – as we live our everyday lives.
May 7, 2017 – Todd Seifert, certified lay servant, uses the illustration of the discovery of the “Instruction Scroll” during a temple renovation to urge us to renovate our spiritual lives.
April 30, 2017 – Pastor Amy challenges us to move beyond welcoming visitors and to help all newcomers to feel like honored guests. We experienced trouble with the video, so here is the transcript of the message: Sermon 4.30.17
April 23, 2017 – Pastor Amy explains how suffering is never easy, but we can overcome it because God is always present amid our afflictions.
Easter (April 16, 2017) – Pastor Amy encourages the Havelock UMC congregation to look for Christ in the laborer and traveler during her Easter message. This video features the entire traditional 9:30 a.m. service.
April 9, 2017 – On Palm Sunday, Pastor Amy shares a message about how Jesus emptied himself for our benefit. Are we willing to give up something to follow Christ to the cross this week?
March 26, 2017 – We don’t like to hear the word “no.” But sometimes, it’s best for us to embrace the word to prevent us from doing things that are not pleasing to God.
March 12, 2017 – Pastor Amy talks about how “spiritual” blood loss was healed thanks to Jesus choosing to die for us on the cross.
March 5, 2017 – Rev. Amy Seifert shares scripture about Jesus being tempted by the devil to illustrate how we should say “no” to worldly things but wholeheartedly say “yes’ to God.
Feb. 26, 2017 – Pastor Amy urges the congregation to cast aside the fears we often have and instead to trust in God.
Feb. 19, 2017 – Pastor Amy shares tools available to relieve stress, including Psalm 119.
Feb. 12, 2017 – Pastor Amy shares a message meant to help people consider whether they want to give into the power of God’s love instead of giving in to anger.
Feb. 5, 2017 — Pastor Amy encourages us all to strive to be a light in the world and to “retain our saltiness” in the pursuit of mercy and justice as we live up to the mission given to us by Jesus.
Jan. 29, 2017 – Pastor Amy takes recent events into account and asks if we want to be great or good?
Jan. 22, 2017 — Pastor Amy shares a word from Paul to teach how Christians should speak with each other despite our divides.
Jan. 15, 2017 — Lay Speaker Deb Eberly shares her testimony as a message encouraging people to listen to the call of God in their lives as they seek to live with a “Grateful, Faithful Heart.”
Jan. 8, 2017 – Lay Speaker Pam Savery shares a message about epiphanies and how we can help others discover Jesus.
Jan. 1, 2017 – Lay Leader Bob Lamb shares stories from a journey to John Wesley’s homeland and a message about God’s pursuit of us.