July 1, 2018 – “How Jesus Touched My Life” – Pastor Todd Karges shares how Jesus touched his life.
June 24, 2018 – Calm in the Storm by Pam Savery, Lay Minister. “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Jesus can make the wind died down and make it completely calm.
June 17, 2018 – On Pastor Amy’s final day serving Havelock United Methodist Church, she uses the parable of the mustard seed to explain Jesus’ call for all of us to spread seeds of hope in Christ for all we encounter.
June 10, 2018 – Using the account of the Israelite people demanding a king from 1 Samuel, Pastor Amy explains how sometimes we make the mistake in thinking God is not enough.
June 3, 2018 – Through the story of young Samuel, we explore the importance of listening for God’s call in our lives.
May 27, 2018 -Just as we must exercise to grow muscle, we must take steps to grow spiritually if we are going to be stronger witnesses for Christ. Pastor Amy explains in this week’s sermon.
May 20, 2018 – On the day we celebrate Pentecost, Pastor Amy talks about the fuel of the Holy Spirit, the way we are programmed to be part of a community and the launch of ministry in service and love for others.
May 13, 2018 – Cameron Miller, our worship leader and a pastoral candidate, shares a message about God’s mother-like love on Mother’s Day.
May 6, 2018 – God clearly wants us to accept people who are not exactly like us. We learn from the lesson for Peter and the church in Jerusalem to ask the question: Who are we to hinder God?
April 29, 2018 – As part of a joint worship service with our Havelock neighbors at United Lutheran Church and our sister church, Eagle UMC, the Rev. Dr. Neal Anthony provides a message about our call to be branches that bear fruit for Christ.
April 22, 2018 – Rev. Amy Seifert reminds us that God instructs us to love one another and that when we judge others we are forgetting that this party belongs to God, and that is who decides the guest list.
April 15, 2018 – With Psalm 4 as our text, Pastor Amy explains that there is a time to think critically and a time to simply listen to what God wants us to do.
April 8, 2018 – We look at the scriptures related to the apostle Thomas. Like Thomas, sometimes we have doubts and simply don’t know. We should have the courage, like Thomas, to seek and learn.
April 1, 2018 – Pastor Amy shares thoughts on who was the bigger April Fool on that first Easter. Jesus may have provided the best joke of all time on the people who opposed Him.
March 29, 2018 – Rev. Amy Seifert concludes our Lenten sermon series on Maundy Thursday with a lesson in the obedience Jesus exhibited by following through with allowing himself to be arrested and crucified on behalf of humankind. This sermon was recorded at Eagle United Methodist Church.
March 25, 2018 – Our Lenten sermon series continues with a look at surrendering all to Christ. Today, we learn that we can be certain that Jesus has been seeking us and wants to transform our lives into something even better.
March 18, 2018 – Our Lenten sermon series based on the book “Embracing the Uncertain,” by Magrey R. deVega focuses this week on worry and how we can trust in God regardless of our concerns.
March 4, 2018 – Rev. Amy Seifert continues her Lenten sermon series based on the book “Embracing the Uncertain” with a message about how forgiveness is not about keeping score but rather about reconciliation, restoration and healing.
Feb. 18, 2018 – We start a Lenten series on “Embracing the Uncertain,” based on the book by Magrey R. deVega. In this sermon, we learn how in times of uncertainty, we are not alone. Even in the moments when it seems like God is absent or distant, God is always with us.
Feb. 11, 2018 – As we commemorate the transfiguration of Jesus, Todd Seifert urges the congregation to come down from the mountaintop experience to do the work of Christians, where the people are.
Feb. 4, 2018 – At some point, we reach a tipping point in our faith. What can help us stay sharp in our spiritual lives? Faith and prayer — both exhibited by Christ.
Jan, 28, 2018 – Do you really know what you think you know? Rev. Amy Seifert asks the congregation not to worry about being right about God and instead to focus on loving others.
Jan. 21, 2018 – Using the illustration of an escape room, Pastor Amy tells the story of Jonah and urges the congregation not to flee from their call by God to serve.
Jan. 14, 2018 – God is calling for you. Will you answer? Pastor Amy uses the story of Eli helping Samuel answer the call into service from God to illustrate how we have to be willing to listen — and act — when God calls us.
Jan. 7, 2018 – As we commemorate epiphany, Rev. Amy Seifert uses a story about a camel on the roof to illustrate how we must search for God in different places.