Havelock United Methodist Church
Church History 1977-1990

Church History 1977-1990

Drama has been a part of the ministry of the church for much of the last twenty-five years. The first presentations were during the church services. In the 1970’s plays were also offered as entertainment. These events ranged from comedies to serious dramatic offerings under the direction of Dean Vaughn. The Festival of the Nativity came into existence in 1976, and was the creation of the new pastor, The Rev. Gary Schlosser. The Nativity scenes were portrayed by members of the congregation, with ‘live animals, hay, stall, and a tape of music and scripture. The event was held in the north courtyard and is still being performed. In the years 1981-83 the M.Y.F. and the people involved with the Festival of the Nativity held a fund raising Holiday Fair.

The youth have always~ been a very active church group, beginning with Epworth League. In 1941 they became Methodist Youth Fellowship. From 1975-1983 they organized and participated in work projects in Oneida, Kentucky; Hannibal, Missouri; Farmington, New Mexico and Dewey, Oklahoma.

The dedication and mortgage burning for the west wing of our church was held October 23, 1983. Bishop Monk Bryan Richard Atherton, and Gary Schlosser assisted. We celebrated with a light buffet supper following the service.

A new air conditioner was needed for the sanctuary and the fellowship hall, and the congregation took on the project of raising the necessary $25,000. In 198 fund raisers were held. One of them was the “Hot House Follies”, with members of the congregation performing.

A small group of dedicated men regularly donated time and labor mowing, shoveling walks, and doing the custodial work of the church.

Throughout the century the congregation has recognized the important part music plays in worship services. From the enjoyment of the singing of beloved hymns, to the special offerings of choirs, the worship service is made more meaningful and personal. During the first three quarters of a century the positions of choir director and organist were mainly filled by church members on a voluntary basis. The Chancel choir director and organist positions are now part of the paid staff. In addition to the Chancel Choir, music is provided by the Youth choir, “Gods Children”, and recently formed Gospel Ensemble.

Havelock United Methodist has supported many membership and community activities over the years. There have been adult sharing groups, Bible studies, progressive dinners, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, campfire, exercise classes, 78 Club, Tri-M, Friendship Group, basketball and bowling teams, public health station, YWCA groups, AARP, Food Net,’ a clothing exchange, auctions, and Sociable Windows. Christmas toys are collected for Head-Start Children, and money is collected for the “Angel Tree” (gifts for families of persons in prison).

The Apprentice program of the United Methodist Church thrived at Havelock. From, 1947-1990 Havelock United Methodist has sponsored over twenty-five young men and women. Ten of these went on to seminary and became ordained ministers, and one a Seminary president.